Prices for a Wolf Whiskers’ Shaving brush
How to determine a shaving brush price. It is not one price fits all.
1) You take the starting price,
2) add any optional upgrades,
3) add shipping.
Useful Definitions:
"Starting price:" The price of the brush handle or completed brush before any "Optional upgrades."
"Optional upgrades" Optional upgrades include premium handle shapes, custom color combinations, imported turning stock, and fluted bottom handles.
Flutes (fluted bottoms) are the ornamental vertical grooves on the bottom of the shaving brush handle. Fluting options are not available for all handle shapes and slanted fluting is only available on the "Interrobang," "Tmesis," "Yohann," or the "Emilia" shapes. Slanted flutes, for your custom design, can be discussed on a case by case basis and only offered if it works. Note: Look at my slanted fluted designs, there is a reason why they are shaped as they are.
Specialty handle shapes: There are only 4 specialty shapes: "Interrobang," "Tmesis," "Yohann," or the "Emilia" shapes.
Named color theme: One of my personally created, hand cast, named color themes.
Custom Color Casting (CCC): This is when you might desire a 2 or 3 tiered handle or something even more custom in terms of your colors chosen. This is a case by case basis.
Starting price for a handle only is $72,
Starting prices for the synthetic-knotted shaving brushes range from $78-$91. (@10 knot options)
Starting prices for the extensive range of Badger-knotted shaving brushes is from $94-$154. (20mm finest all the way to a 30mm Maggard SHD and everything in between, roughly 25 different badger knot options.)
and all of these brushes (or handle only) include:
Completed brush (or handle only)
Includes the logo coin on the bottom of the handle.
Includes the presentation green box.
Is designed with a single WW named color theme.
Only includes a named, non premium, handle shape.
Does not include any optional upgrades.
Does not include shipping.
Optional upgrades (additional surcharges added to the starting prices above. These up-charges only cover the additional time, tools, and cost of materials and nothing more. I keep life as fair as I possibly can.)
Custom Color Combinations (CCC) Typically this ranges from +$5 for fairly simple to +$15 for more complicated. Outside this range is extremely rare but is assessed on a case by case request. (This only covers extra creativity time and materials only.)
Fluting bottoms are either +$28 - $30 for the straight flutes(This does not include specialty shapes with slanted flutes)
Premium Imported European turning stock: from +$6 - +$10 depending on size and material. (Only covers extra costs for material.)
Specialty handle shapes: "Interrobang," "Tmesis," "Yohann," or the "Emilia" shapes. +$28-$30. (The extra work on the specialty shapes is labor intensive and this simply covers this time.
Original shape or modifications: This is case by case depending on complexity. Minor changes often won't affect the starting price.
Shipping charges are typical and as low as possible depending on the shipping location and shipping rate chosen.
Domestic USPS First class is +$7 and includes insurance and tracking.
Domestic USPS Priority Rate is +$10 and includes insurance and tracking.
International USPS First class is +$18 and includes insurance and tracking (if your country supports tracking.)
International USPS Priority Flat rate is +$41 and includes insurance and tracking (if your country supports tracking.)
I will not ship to the UK due to their VAT collection policies required for international sellers (see FAQ page with hyperlinks for details).
I cannot ship to Russia currently.